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In the Western medical world where chronic pain is a contested illness with no definite cure, EMMA can provide an alternative or complementary form of treatment. Soft tissue manipulation carried out by EMMA can be used to treat conditions such as chronic pain.

The treatment is specifically catered to your needs according to the medical data and your past treatment records stored by the Artificial Intelligence (AI). The AI will analyze this information and your patient records to customize the most effective treatment plan for you.


Many forms of treatment such as physiotherapy, massage therapy and Traditional Chinese Medical Massage (Tui-na) engage in soft tissue manipulation which EMMA can play a role in. This version of EMMA is currently in stage of clinical trials in Europe, Singapore and China. It is expected to be released in the fourth quarter of 2019.

science behind massage


A science-based practice that is used to treat injury and disability by restoring movement and function of the body. One of the techniques utilized by physiotherapists is manual therapy, which involves soft tissue manipulation in which EMMA can play a role in.

Traditional Chinese Medicine TUI-NA

Tui-na is a deep tissue massage that is largely practiced in China and has been adopted by many countries including United States. In general, massage therapists work on muscle and other soft tissue to help you feel better.


A form of treatment for myofascial pain syndrome which is a chronic pain disorder. Sufferers from this syndrome will experience pain in the muscle, sometimes in seemingly unrelated parts of your body and is caused by pressure on trigger points in your muscles.

For more information on
massage therapy:
Science behind massage
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