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Besides being used for general wellness, sports and medical treatment, EMMA can also be customised to suit your needs, mainly in two ways:


Ageing Physicians

Massage therapy is a specialised skill, hence the number of qualified physicians is a far cry from sufficient.  Besides that, the massage procedure is also a physically demanding one, and many physicians are unable to continue with their jobs in their old age. 

Perpetual Knowledge

Healthcare providers are able to immortalise the valuable experience of their physicians through the customisation of EMMA. By inputting their knowledge into EMMA's AI data storage, EMMA is able to carry out the massage procedures on the physician's behalf. With this, physicians no longer need to worry about losing their jobs in the old age, and they can continue to provide their expertise in managing EMMA while the robot carries out the strenuous procedure. 

digitalising institutions

Technology Today

In the digital age, many hospitals and healthcare institutions have been digitalised to improve efficiency. However, such developments have yet to be seen in massage therapy, where productivity is a problem with the shortage of certified therapists. 

Treatment Flow

EMMA has the ability to digitalise the treatment flow of research institutes, healthcare institutions or hospitals. These treatment flows, which have been tested and supported by clinical evidence,  can be programmed into EMMA and the robot can carry out the treatments that the institution normally adopts. This allows the healthcare or research institution to cut down on labour costs on hiring qualified manpower. 

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